iOS Development—Prototyping with Adobe Fireworks & TAP Part 4
In last part we have explore the framework drawing that is just pencil paper approach to the project without diving deeper and in this part we will look at the framework wireframing that is nearly similar approach to give some outline of the project of iOS dev
elopment. In this wireframing, we will avoid the detailed components and their interactions so our clients never get any distraction due to complexities and refrain from the good feedback by-and-large. We need to drop out the parts of the iOS programming project that still not attended fully therefore, our expectations from the patrons would be limited again.
One we passed through all processes of prototyping we would have all concepts cleared and we will able to create a detailed visual design using the Adobe Fireworks. Here we will depict all small and big components beautifully and with all possible interactions and their properties. Graphics have their colors, styles, etc. while texts would have set of styles of typography, color, and iconography at first hand.
Fireworks is capable enough to turn these prototyping into fully rendered and production ready graphics from the mere prototypes or wireframes. You can add hotspots to required elements on each page and simulate non-linear navigation by creating click-through wireframes during iOS programming. Since the iOS devices are touch sensitive and hover or other mouse effects are meaningless here, some developers have developed Touch Application Prototypes (TAP) where you need not to do any coding to convert your Fireworks design in to the live and animated application.
You might have question that how we can see and interact with the touch enabled iOS prototype, which created in the graphic designing tool installed on the desktops. Yes, it’s true but you can experience the iOS application prototypes development on any iOS device through Bluetooth or cabling and see and feel all components in real-life and real-time since they are lacking coding and other processing.
This way an iOS developer as well as client can understand prototypes in different meaning and in different context and expect good feedbacks from your clients who have good experiences and satisfactions with your work.
Conclusion :-
However, use of Fireworks is limited in graphics designs in compare to Photoshop, but it is far better tool for the web development as well as mobility solutions. A good iOS developer can create decent prototypes on Fireworks and see them on the various iOS devices with all touch and other gestures. In this post I have explore some of the best things to create wireframes in the Fireworks.